I did install 2.1.2 from source but it did not produce a cocoon.war file when I ran build.bat even though the message said that the build wqas successful. I could not find the cocoon.war file to copy to Tomcat.

Alexander Schatten wrote:

Tony Maniaci wrote:

I installed cocoon 2.0.4 binary on XP on Tomcat 4.1 and I received :

" java.lang.RuntimeException: Errors in XSLT transformation: The output format must have a {http://xml.apache.org/xalan}content- handler' property! at org.apache.xalan.transformer.TransformerImpl.run"

what am I missing.

despite of the problem: is there a *very* specific reason, why you want to install 2.0.4 and not the recent 2.1.x version? this would be highly recommended!


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