
unfortunately I could not find what I am searching for neither by using a
search engine nor by browsing cocoon faq or mail archives. Maybe You can help

I tried to use the SessionAttributeSelector in my sitemap as follows:

<map:selectors default="browser">
  <map:selector name="session-attribute"

<!-- PIPELINES -->
<map:match pattern="system">
  <map:select type="session-attribute">
    <map:when test="yes">
      <map:generate type="serverpages" src="system/system.xsp"/>
      <map:transform src="main.xsl"/>
      <map:serialize type="html"/>
      <map:redirect-to uri="login3"/>

I also tried adding
    <map:parameter name="attribute-name" value="pc"/>
between map:select and map:when but it won't work neither.
There is a session attribute named "pc" with the value "yes". I checked
I am running this on cocoon 2.0 with tomcat 4.1.17 on a redhat linux 7.3

I'd like to know how to properly use the SessionAttributeSelector, because i
could not find any code examples or proper tutorials for this component.

Please reply to: nospammail <at> gmx <dot> de

Thanks a lot for Your help and have a merry christmas.
Jürgen Haas

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