Hi, I have a this problem. I'd like to put parsed pieces of URI into 
serverpages as parameters. For example: I have URI "html/english/article/102" 
(it means, that I want to get article with ID=102 in english language and in 
HTML format). Sitemap could look like as 

<map:match pattern="*/*/*/*">
  <map:generate type="serverpages" src="logic/{3}.xsp">
    <map:parameter name="format" value="{1}"/>
    <map:parameter name="language" value="{2}"/>
    <map:parameter name="id" value="{4}"/>
  <map:transform src="stylesheets/{3}to{1}.xsl"/>
  <map:serialize type="{1}"/>

I know, that <map:parameter> tag is nonsense, but how to get the pieces of URI 
{1}, {2}... into serverpages? (and how to read them in xsp script?). Yes, 
needed informations could be theoretically obtained by parsing URI in xsp 
script, but in this case will be not URL scheme transparent to scripts. (I can 
decide in the future, that URI will be not "html/english/article/102" but for 
example "english/html/article/102" - and then I will have to rewrite all the 
xsp scripts).

Is any possibility, how to do it?

PS. Another problem is in the tag <map:serialize type="{1}"/> - there is not 
substituted {1}.

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