Christopher Oliver wrote:

You're missing a closing "}" in the forEach:

<jx:forEach select="#{test/music/arrangements/arrangement">

How embarassing. I'd tried it in three different situations, and must have copied the code each time with the error :-( Next problem was I was looking for title, when I'd renamed it titlex. How can I have spent two weeks struggling with something so simple?

Oh well. All works now. Many thanks for your help.

Regards, Upayavira

Upayavira wrote:

Christopher Oliver wrote:

I tried this and it seems to work fine - except for #{query/music/title/text()} which caused a NullPointerException. I just checked in a fix for that.

I just updated to the latest CVS, and your fix has made text() work. Thanks.

What version are you using? Here's what I got:

#{query/music/title} => Song

Hmm. Still not working. So, I've set up a more thorough test environment, and let me detail again what's going on:

    <map:match pattern="test">
      <map:call function="test"/>
       <map:match pattern="test-pipe">
      <map:generate type="jx" src="xml/test.jx"/>
      <map:serialize type="xml"/>

function test() {
var builder = Packages.javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();

var test = builder.parse(new"d:/documents/cocoon/tuneballoon/site/xml/test.xml").toURL().toExternalForm());

 print ("Test node:" + test.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
 cocoon.sendPage("test-pipe", {"test": test});

JXTemplate (xml/test.jx):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<page xmlns:jx="";>
     <jx:forEach select="#{test/music/arrangements/arrangement">

Sample XML (xml/test.xml):

Now, if in the within the jx:forEach I do #{.}, I get 'TITLES:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

If I do #{./title}, I get:
file:/d:/documents/cocoon/tuneballoon/site/xml/test.jx:9:35:org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathException: No pointer for xpath: ./title

If I do #{./title/text()}, I get:<tr><td>TITLES:</td></tr>, i.e. nothing back.

For the first two jxpaths, I get 'Song' for #{test/music/title/text()}, correctly, but <title>Song</title> for #{test/music/title}.

Perhaps you could send me the files for your working version, and I can see if I can get them to work here?

Thanks for your help.

Regards, Upayavira

<jx:forEach select="#{query/music/arrangements/arrangement}"> title: #{./title}, </jx:forEach> => title: Arr1, title: Arr2



Upayavira wrote:

I've got two problems with JXTemplateGenerator. To start with, here's an XML:


1) If I call the page with this in a DOM, with the name 'query', if I do #{query/music/title}, it returns <title>Song</title>, not 'Song'. #{query/music/title/text()} doesn't return anything, neither does string() or node().

2) If I use
<jx:forEach select="#{query/music/arrangements/arrangement">
      <tr><td>title: :#{./title}</td></tr>

It shows one 'title:' heading, not two. But #{./title} returns nothing. Everything I've tried still returns nothing.

Any pointers?

Thanks, Upayavira

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