Marc Portier wrote:

hm, pls explain why you would want to do that, since you will break away from the most important pleasures of flowscript!

Consider following example. Our form has repeat widget with some item list and additional fields for adding items (i.e. item name and submit button).
User wants to add new item. She enters name and presses the button. Form become redisplayed and new item appear in the list. If user press 'Refresh'
button on the browser for some reason, a new request for item addition will be sent. I wan't to avoid it. For this purpose, i want to handle business logic
of adding new user to the list in separate HTTP request, than rendering form view.

in any case showForm additionally places the current form inside the flow-context-bizdata under the key 'woody-form' and by default the woody-template-transformer or the woody-generator will pick it up there

since you want to have an explicit redirect over the browser you will need to put the form somewhere in the session first, and then let the woody-transformer or generator have it pick up over there...

and search for the explanation of the @location attribute of the wt:form-template

but pls be warned: you will enter the hell of session management, and loose the benefits of the continuations based approach to control your use case. Do make sure that the reason to do that justifies the additional effort that is waiting you...

Can I store continuation id in session?


thanks, vasyas

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