
I generate an XML File with cocoon with no indents.

Then I would like to save this file with indents with the

How can I do this?

I already tried this (in vain):

1. I added <indent>yes</indent> to the configuration of the XML_Serializer
(I use the XML-Serializer for the output of the SourceWritingTransformer).
2. In my pipeline I added a XSL-Transformation that copies the whole file
but adds indents (with  <xsl:output indent=yes/>) so that my pipeline looks
like the following now:

<map:match pattern="test">
        <map:generate src="../test-files/archive-run.xml"/>
        <map:transform type="xslt" src="stylesheets/indent.xsl"></map:transform>
        <map:transform type="xslt" src="stylesheets/save.xsl"></map:transform>
        <map:transform type="write-source"></map:transform>
        <map:serialize type="xml"/>

But still the saved file has no indents.

Any help is appreciated,

Thanks Stephanie

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