sorry for the first post,
the handler name was wrong, this should be better but the problem is the

hi all,

i try to insert the authentication-fw example in my sitemap with no luck
; i'am able to start with the login page and authenticate me but when i
get my main menu every link i choose i always get "resource not found no
pipeline matched req

i'm sure this is a newbie mistake but can't find where is.

can somebody help me ?

thanks a lot


<!-- =========================== Pipelines =================================


          <handler name="protArea">
            <redirect-to uri="cocoon:/login"/>
            <authentication uri="cocoon:raw:/authenticate"/>

>  </authentication-manager>


      <map:match pattern="">
        <map:redirect-to uri="login"/>

      <!-- ================= -->
      <!-- Simple login page -->

>   <!-- ================= -->
      <map:match pattern="login">
        <!-- if we are already logged in, redirect to the protected document
        <map:act type="auth-loggedIn">
          <map:parameter name="handler" value="protArea"/>

>      <map:redirect-to uri="protected"/>
        <map:generate src="docs/login.xml"/>
        <map:transform src="stylesheets/simple-page2html.xsl"/>
        <map:transform type="encodeURL"/>

      <!-- ========================================= -->
      <!-- Form target which performs auth service   -->
      <!-- ========================================= -->
      <map:match pattern="do-login">
        <!-- try to login -->
        <map:act type="auth-login">
          <map:parameter name="handler" value="protArea"/>
          <map:parameter name="parameter_name" value="{request-param:username}"/>
          <map:redirect-to uri="protected"/>

>  <!-- something was wrong, try it again -->
        <map:redirect-to uri="login"/>

      <!-- ================ -->
      <!-- Protected area   -->
      <!-- ================ -->
      <map:match pattern="protected">

> <map:act type="auth-protect">
          <map:parameter name="handler" value="protArea"/>

            <map:generate src="docs/home.xml"/>
            <map:transform type="session"/>
            <map:transform src="stylesheets/apache.xsl"/>

>      <map:transform type="encodeURL"/>

          <map:match pattern="*-operaz.html">
           <map:act set="process">
             <map:parameter name="descriptor" 

>             <map:generate type="serverpages" src="docs/conferma-operaz.xsp"/>
             <map:transform src="stylesheets/apache.xsl"/>
           <map:generate type="serverpages" src="docs/{1}-
           <map:transform src="stylesheets/apache.xsl"/>

          <map:match pattern="*-operaz.xml">
            <map:act set="process">
              <map:parameter name="descrip
>or" value="context://riskIdem/docs/operaz-form.xml"/>
              <map:generate type="serverpages" src="docs/conferma-operaz.xsp"/>
              <map:serialize type="xml"/>
            <map:generate type="serverpages" src=
            <map:serialize type="xml"/>

        <!-- something was wrong, redirect to login page -->
        <map:redirect-to uri="login"/>

      <!-- ====
>==================================== -->
      <!-- Logout link which invalidates the session -->
      <!-- ========================================= -->
      <map:match pattern="do-logout">
        <map:act type="auth-protect">
>rameter name="handler" value="protArea"/>

          <map:act type="auth-logout"/>
        <map:redirect-to uri="login"/>

    <map:pipeline internal-only="true">
      <!-- This is the
>authentication resource -->
      <map:match pattern="authenticate">
        <map:generate src="docs/userlist.xml"/>
        <map:transform src="stylesheets/authenticate.xsl">
          <map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>

>      </map:transform>
        <map:serialize type="xml"/>

    <map:transform src="stylesheets/system/error2document.xsl"/>
    <map:transform src="stylesheets/apache.xsl"/>
    <map:serialize status-



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