Joerg Heinicke wrote:

On 27.01.2004 13:14, Joose Vettenranta wrote:


I've seen lot's of discussion back and forward on the subject "how to to save/retrieve data from SQL-server from flow-script" but I have never really seen any answers how to do that. So, how can I do simple UPDATE command to database from flow script?

Don't do this in the FlowScript because it is only the controller. Updating the model is part of business logic and so do this stuff in Java classes that you call from the flow script: Separation of Concerns.

The problem though is that there is no out of the box component to make this easy for the newbie. What would be great is something like the database actions framework built to be used from the flow. The closest thing to it is the O/R framework (ojb block) support, right?


basic structure of my flow script is:

do {
  SendPageAndWait ("foo", "page: page);
  if (cocoon.request.get (stuff) matches logical expression)) {
    UPDATE table SET stuff=valueFromForm
} while (page < 10);

that is the basic structure of the flow script I'm trying to create.

- Joose

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