Dear Cocoon users,
I need help in understanding the following xmap snippet
    <map:selectors default="browser">
      <map:selector logger="sitemap.selector.config" name="config"
src="org.apache.cocoon.selection.SimpleSelector" />
      <map:selector logger="sitemap.selector.exists" name="exists"
src="org.apache.cocoon.selection.ResourceExistsSelector" />

      <map:match pattern="**book-*">

        <map:select type="exists">

<!--          <map:when test="content/xdocs/{1}book.xml"> -->
***       <map:when test="{1}book.xml">
            <!-- If a hand-created book.xml exists, use it -->
            <map:parameter name="url" value="{1}book.xml" />
<!--            <map:generate src="content/xdocs/{1}book.xml" /> -->
            <map:generate src="{1}book.xml" />
            <map:serialize type="xml"/>

            <!-- If no book.xml, generate it from the linkmap. -->
<!--            <map:generate src="cocoon:/{1}menulinks-{2}" />
-->            <!-- The above generates the subset of the linkmap
relevant to our directory. -->
<!--           <map:transform src="resources/stylesheets/site2book.xsl"
            <map:parameter name="url" value="{1}book.xml" />
***         <map:generate src="{1}book.xml" />
            <map:serialize type="xml"/>


the xmap is copied from the forrest app (menu.xmap) and modified for my
path structure. I also did set the otherwise case to read the book.xml
by default.

Here is my question. I can't figure out, why the first line marked with
"***" does fail to recognize the existence of the file {1}book.xml (it
always executes the otherwise case), if the second line marked with
"***" does read it with no complaint.

Any ideas? Is the class that defines the "exists" type for the selector
known to be brocken? Could I illigally/falsly have overwritten the
"exists" type?

Thanks for the help

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