
I'm wondering how I can easily copy a row in a repeater. If I have a certain
row with a row-action that does an add-after, I want to have a new row which
has initially the same values.

For example:

My template is showing this: (let the | define simple text inputs shown by
your browser)

|fruit|apple|granny-smith|    <row action button/>

Then when I push that row action button I want to see:


So that I only have to change the last input to obtain what I really want:


(this is a simple example of course, picture this with repeaters in
repeaters and so on....)

I thought to do this in the on-activate, but it seems that I have to copy
each widget value explicitly using their name. Isn't there an iterator over
a repeaterrow(well, I did not find one..) so I can just copy the values? Or
another way to do the same?

If I have a row which contains another repeater, then I'll have to create
new rows in the newly created repeater and then retreive each value by

    <repeater> <- I'll have to copy this to the new row, so creating new
rows and each time explicitly get each widget's value and set it in the new



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