Well I just added the coolest (I think.. of course I wrote
it.. so my opinion is a little biased) feature to my new
Sentinel app (if you dont know that is check the mailing
list archive for my previous anouncement message).

I just added integration with XMLTV.  A complete TV guide
using XMLTV and Cocoon.  I think it turned out so well I'm
thinking about ripping it out of my Sentinel app and offering
it as a standalone download.

Here are a couple screenshots of what I have so far (been
writing code on this for about 3-4 days now)...


(I assume most people here can view PNG files)

It's fully functional.. you can page through channels
(uses the filtertransformer for paging) and also
move right/left in 3-hour blocks.

Let me know what you think!  Any suggestions would be


- Brent

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