On 02.02.2004 22:24, Flavio Palumbo wrote:

Hi Joerg,

i found this strange behaviour :

the content of the fragment at /authentication/data/socOM in the context
authentication contains the code "8801", and i can see this value if i show
on screen with first snippet.

I thought that i could evaluate a variable in the same manner (second snippet)
; but this doesn't happen.

Anyway, looking at the mail archive, i found some interesting examples and
i wrote a little function that seems to work ; here is the code :

      private synchronized String getParAut(String inContext, String inPath)

         String sRet = null;
         org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentManager cm = this.manager;
         org.apache.cocoon.webapps.session.SessionManager sm = null;

         //System.out.println("getParAut - cerco **"+inPath+"** in **"+inContext+"**");
         try {
             sm = 
             org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment df = sm.getContextFragment(inContext,
             StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
             for (int i=0; i< df.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
                  sRet = sb.toString();
             if (sm != null) {
         } catch (Throwable e) {
                 System.out.println("getParAut - Errore "+e);
         finally {
         return sRet;

<xsp:logic>String sSoc = getParAut("authentication", "/authentication/data/socOM");</xsp:logic>
<outEasy sizeFont="3" label="Codice Societa':" alignLabel="left"
widthLabel="100" alignCampo="left" widthCampo="100" name="codiceSoc"
<xsp:attribute name="value"><xsp:expr>sSoc</xsp:expr></xsp:attribute>

Please let me know what you think about.

As I said I don't know about the internals, only about possible error causes. Now that it works I think it's ok. It would just be interesting to have your solution compared with the session:getxml solution.

I don't know if you know it but the XSP stuff is transformed via XSLT into Java code. Somewhere the resulting Java code must be lying around (e.g. TOMCAT_HOME/work/**). You can compare them if you want to see what's wrong with the standardized solution provided by session:getxml.


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