
I just got a very weird bevaviour from my cocoon webapp. I'm generating one
large xml through cincludes and want to create a pdf with it. If I try to do
this with a view, I don't get my first pages, but when I do the same with
the pipeline itself it generates with no problems. I used this pipeline
before and it used to work, until now. Currently using cvs head 2.1 updated

  <map:view from-label="pdf" name="vb-xml">
   <map:serialize type="xml"/>

  <map:view from-label="pdf" name="vb-fo">
   <map:transform src="stylesheets/vb2pdf.xsl"/>
   <map:serialize type="xml"/>

<map:match pattern="*/*/pack-files">
    <map:generate type="serverpages" src="pages/Pack.xsp">
     <map:parameter name="Name" value="{1}"/>
     <map:parameter name="subName" value="{2}"/>
    <map:transform type="cinclude" label="pdf"/>
   <map:transform src="stylesheets/vb2pdf.xsl"/>
    <map:serialize type="xml"/>

If just calling pipeline, everything's ok.
If calling pipeline with cocoon-view=vb-xml, everything's ok, just showing
xml without fo markup
If calling pipeline with cocoon-view=vb-fo, my first 2 includes aren't
there! This should give the same result as the first test!

Anyone noticing similar behaviour?



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