On Fri, Feb 06, 2004 at 10:18:08PM -0800, Ray Allis wrote:
>  Initialization Problem
> Message: Could not find component (key
> [org.apache.cocoon.woody.CacheManager])
> (Key='org.apache.cocoon.woody.CacheManager')
<snip error log>
> ---
> 38M Feb  6 18:54 cocoon-2.1_20040206231255.tar.gz
> The build was successful.
> Temporarily missing piece?
> Ray Allis

This works on the two computers I tried it on.
Looks like your cocoon.roles file was not updated or the
updated cocoon-2.1.4-dev.jar file (I think this is the
right file) was not copied to your deployed cocoon dir.

Check cocoon-2.1/build/cocoon-2.1.4-dev/classes/org/apache/cocoon/cocoon.roles
to see if the CacheManager role was patched into it.
You might need to do a "build clean" before building if
you do not see this (without the line breaks):

  <role default-class="org.apache.cocoon.woody.DefaultCacheManager"

Please let me know how this goes for you.
--Tim Larson

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