What you're saying suggests that you're calling the function act() that does
not exist in your flowscript. Maybe you have to call it through the cocoon
object: cocoon.act(), as with the sendpage and other's(as on the wiki page:

Hope this helps,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 4:40 PM
Subject: Calling sendmail action from flowscript

> Hi,
> I'm using cocoon 2.1.3 and would like to call sendmail from flowscript. I
> have a working sendmail action in my sitemap. However, when I try to use
> act function in my flow I get:
> TypeError: act is not a function
> Which suggests there's a resource that I should be including. I'm going
> round in circles trying to work out what that thing is.
> Any pointers regarding my no doubt simple mistake would be a huge help.
> Please help, my project is nearly finished!
> Thanks,
> Rob
> #############
> Robert Clarke
> Web Systems Developer
> Bradford College
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