Bert Van Kets wrote:

Hi all,
I have a very annoying problem regarding uploads.
To be able to do multi part uploads I went to web.xml and set the
enable-uploads init-param to true and the upload-directory to "data" (no
quotes of course). As I need ony one upload directory, it looked like the
obvious choice to me to have Cocoon handle the uploads.

Since I set these parameters, my upload directory is cleared totally when I
restart Tomcat. This is totally unusable of course. It worked perfectly in
an older version of Cocoon, but with a very recent CVS HEAD the upload dir
is cleared.
I have looked all over the web.xml file, but can't see any indication of
this being settable.

I'm not talking about uploading a file and processing it. The whole
directory is cleared at Cocoon startup.

Any ideas? I can't find any mention of it anywhere.

Not much time now, but:
1) Make sure you've read and understood the link provided in the response from Askild. Sounds like knew that already though.
2) What was the "older" version of Cocoon approximately? 2.1.3? pre 2.1.0? 2.0.x?
3) Where is your upload dir, and did you switch from tomcat to jetty?
4) If you stop the container (jetty, tomcat, etc.), place a file in the upload dir, start the container, check for the file & replace if missing, upload a file, check for both files & replace the original if missing (the uploaded file should not be there after the request finishes), stop the container, check for the original file what happens?


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