Hi all,

I have build several xsp:pages which contain forms holding textboxes and
dropdownboxes. The dropdownboxes are filled with values from a query.  

I will explain my problem with a real life example.  The form offers a way
to search/filter for, let's say, trouble tickets.  A trouble ticket is of a
certain type (incident, change or problem). It also has a severitycode (low,
middle, heavy) and it has a description for example.   

Suppose I have a form with two dropdownboxes (ddb) 
*       ddbType has following options : (SELECT DISTINCT TYPE FROM TROUBLES)
*       -- any type
*       incident
*       change
*       problem
*       ddbSeverityCode has following options:  (SELECT DISTINCT
*       -- any severity code
*       low
*       middle
*       heavy
*       tbDescription (is empty)

Now i want depending of the userinput to run following query :

  <!-- conditional If any parameters are filled in -->
       + " WHERE "
          <!-- conditional if ddbType contains valid value (this means not
empty and not starts with '--'  -->
                     TYPE = ?
           <!-- conditional if ddbType contains valid value (this means not
empty and not starts with '--'  -->
          <!-- conditional if ddbSeverityCode contains valid value (this
means not empty and not starts with '--'  -->
                     SEVERITYCODE = ?
           <!-- conditional if ddbSeverityCode contains valid value (this
means not empty and not starts with '--'  -->
          <!-- conditional if tbDescription contains valid value (this means
not empty  -->
                     DESCRIPTION LIKE %?%
           <!-- conditional if tbDescription contains valid value (this
means not empty  -->  
  <!-- conditional If any parameters are filled in -->

 Did anyone already do some nice work on this issue ??  I'm looking for ways
to do this kind of thing without having to do a lot of coding.  Any
suggestions, please post it !!

Robby Pelssers

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