On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 16:12, Jan Hoskens wrote:
> > If you're following an "as long as it works its fine" attitude, yes. The
> > fact that resources should be identified by URL's is basic web
> > architecture though.
> What are you referring to with 'basic web architecture'? Is there anyting
> more I should know?
> (Just trying to learn a bit ;-)

Haven't read the document myself yet, but this should provide a good


The part below "2. Identification" is certainly relevant here.

Quote: "A URI must be assigned to a resource in order for agents to be
able to refer to the resource.", which is IMO a pretty good reason to
give your resources URI's.

For example, to go back to the flowscript-case, if I put the
continuation ID in the URL, I could throw the URL in my chat client, you
can click on it and continue the flow where I left it (assuming all
authentication is OK).

Also relevant here is the whole ReST story, I remember Paul Prescod had
some good intro articles on that on xml.com.

Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
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