(B> i think you do not have declare the class name of the driver
(B> in web.xml.
(BI have already set class name in web.xml.
(BPlease let me know if you know anything for the problem.
(BDaiju Kato Escribio :-)
(B > Hello all,
(B >
(B > Please assist me if you use Firebird.
(B >
(B > I try to connect Firebird database with Jaybird JDBC driver.
(B > Even though loading JDBC driver in web.xml, below error is encountered.
(B >
(B > Could not get the datasource
(B > org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.NoValidConnectionException:
(B > No valid JdbcConnection class available
(B Hi, Daiju.
(B i think you do not have declare the class name of the driver
(B in web.xml.
(B for example:
(B for postgres is something like this:
(B <init-param>
(B <param-name>load-class</param-name>
(B <param-value>
(B org.postgresql.Driver
(B </param-value>
(B </init-param>
(B i think for firebird it's org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver.
(B i remember you need put the file firebirdsql-full.jar in
(B ../WEB-INF/lib of you servlet.
(B Cheers,
(BCarlos Ch$BaW(Bez
(B >
(B > I use cocoon 2.0.4, Jaybird 1.0.1 and Firebird 1.0.3.
(B >
(B > Please let me know if you know why.
(B >
(B >
(B > xsp file:
(B >
(B > <content>
(B > <esql:connection>
(B > <esql:pool>personnel</esql:pool>
(B > <esql:execute-query>
(B > <esql:query>select * from ZIPCODE</esql:query>
(B > <esql:results>
(B > <table>
(B > <esql:row-results>
(B > <tr>
(B > <td><esql:get-string column="ZIPCODE"/></td>
(B > <td><esql:get-string column="CITY"/></td>
(B > <td><esql:get-string column="STREET"/></td>
(B > </tr>
(B > </esql:row-results>
(B > </table>
(B > </esql:results>
(B > <esql:no-results>
(B > <p>no results were found</p>
(B > </esql:no-results>
(B > <esql:error-results>
(B > <p><esql:get-message/></p>
(B > <p><esql:get-stacktrace/></p>
(B > </esql:error-results>
(B > </esql:execute-query>
(B > </esql:connection>
(B > </content>
(B > </page>
(B > </xsp:page>
(B >
(B > cocoon.xconf:
(B > <datasources>
(B > <jdbc logger="core.datasources.personnel" name="personnel">
(B > <pool-controller max="10" min="5"/>
(B >
(B > <auto-commit>false</auto-commit>
(B >
(B > (B<dburl>jdbc:firebirdsql:localhost/3050:c:\\data\\zipcode.gdb?lc_ctype=sjis_0208</dburl>
(B > <user>SYSDBA</user>
(B > <password>masterkey</password>
(B > </jdbc>
(B > </datasources>
(BDaiju (B
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(BFor additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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