* Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-02-16 19:41]:
> Hey all.
>     I needed place to store XML data, so I wrote a native XML
>     persistence engine. I call it Momento.
>     * It supports XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 (via Saxon) and XUpdate.
>     * It supports concurrent queries and inserts.
>     * It is transactional and ACID.
>     It is getting big. Need feedback, thoughts. Here is the project
>     site:
>     http://engrm.com/project/com.agtrz.momento/
>     I established a mailing list. Some folks are already there.  I'm
>     looking for a quorum. Please join.
>     Momento is not yet open. I'd like to get feedback on licensing
>     before I choose. 
> Let me answer questions if you got any.

To answer the first, most likely question:



Alan / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://engrm.com/

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