following sendmail action (partially reproduced) runs fine:
==> Note that you should read the <sendmail:from> as one line (in case your mail program wraps it).
Now, with following an Lanaguage Expeption is generated:
Note that the sendmail:from is now split over 3 lines.
The error I get is :
 org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Language Exception: org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Error compiling update_announcement_list_xsp: ERROR 1 (org\apache\cocoon\www\xmlmill\xsp\update_announcement_list_xsp.java): .. _sendmail_mms.setFrom(String.valueOf( "" // start error (lines 545-545) "String literal is not properly closed by a double-quote" + " // end error " + .. Line 545, column 0: String literal is not properly closed by a double-quote
This is quite annoying as xmlSpy will automatically split these lines each time I open this xsp file.
What I want to know: Is this normal Cocoon behavior and/or is there a simple way to solve this problem ?

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