Hi everyone!

First let me thank the Cocoon development team for an outstanding publishing
framework. Next, I have two questions; one concerning Woody and the other
SOAP/Axis. I'm using Cocoon 2.1.3 as for now.

1. I've been playing around a little with Woody. From my short usage
experience, it looks very promising for form management. My business logic
is implemented in EJB. Is there some load/save binding framework for EJB
available? Also, I have implemented an XML representation of my Entity Bean
data using a Cocoon Generator. Is there some way I could use the XML
representation work already put in place there, by feeding Woody with data
from a Generator? I don't know if I'm right on the mechanics of Cocoon here,
please let me know if I'm way off. I know I have to handle saving validated
form data anyway so maybe using a Generator isn't the right way to go (e.g.
I cannot avoid using Woody's binding stuff?).

2. I would like to publish my own Web Services, based on my existing work in
Generators (basically, have the SOAP/Axis Reader getting calls using
existing pipeline structure). Is there some way I can read the data from the
SOAP XML structure (i.e. retrieve the parameters, encapsulated in SOAP XML,
to my Generator EJB Finder call)? I'm thinking maybe I could set the
Generator parameters directly in the pipeline rather than using
request.getParameter within the Generator (thereby de-coupling it from
web-based calls only). Based on the call type maybe I could use a common
Generator to create the XML (*.html = set parameters using
request.getParameter, *.service = set parameters using ????).

Pseudo-sitemap below (my guess is it's not very correct syntax):

<map:match pattern="*.html">
  <map:generate src="generator.xsp">
    <map:parameter name="myparam"
  <map:transform src="transformer-html.xsl"/>
  <map:serialize type="html"/>

<map:match pattern="*.service">
  <map:read type="soap-rpc" mime-type="text/xml"/>
  <map:generate src="generator.xsp">
    <map:parameter name="myparam"
  <map:transform src="transformer-webservice.xsl"/>
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>

Thanks for your help!

Kind regards,

   Ulf Sahlin

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