I use <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"> to generate some add-hoc content with my XSLT.
After my XSLT, I have an i18n transform in the pipeline, so I have put method="xml" in my <xsl:output declaration in order to make sure I have pretty XML before i18n is triggered.
It used to work well with all previous cocoon 2.0.X versions and even with cocoon 2.1.3.
Since I moved to 2.1.4, I have problems with this instruction.
For instance, if I have this in my XSLT file :
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"> &amp;#149; </xsl:text>
I get the following in my HTML output :
<?javax.xml.transform.disable-output-escaping > &amp;#149; <?javax.xml.transform.enable-output-escaping >
With cocoon 2.1.3, I used to have &#149; in my HTML output.
The funny thing is that I only have problems when I use Tomcat (I have tested both 4.0.1 and 4.1.29 versions).
There is no problem if I use Resin 2.1.10.
Can anyone help me ?
I know that an XSL guru should not use disable-output-escaping but I'm a speedy guy and didn't look for a better solution :-)
so please don't tell me I shouldn't use this instruction.

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