
I have a xsp page which contains form elements(text boxes). I have to validate 
those text boxes. I used the FormValidateAction but something is not working. 
When I click submit it is not validating it is instead going to the failure 
part of the match pattern in the sitemap. Can someone tell me how to do 
validation in xsp. I am totally confused. I looked at other examples but 
could not solve my problem.

my xsp file looks like this

      <form href="securityresult">
                <input type=text value="" name="s1"/>
                <input type=text value="" name="s2"/>
                <input type="submit" value="submit"/>

when I submit the page I excepected it to match securityresult but then it 
matches the same page(security.xsp) instead. Here is my sitemap pipeline 
information. Descriptor.xml has the validation set and other details defined.

<map:match pattern="security.xsp">
       <map:act type="formval">
            <map:parameter name="descriptor" value="cocoon://server/styles/
            <map:parameter name="constraint-set" value="securityquote"/>
                | this is the success case
             <map:generate src="securityresult.xsp" type="serverpages"/>
                     <map:transform src="search.xsl"/>     
                     <map:transform src="context:/server/styles/dynamic-page2html.xsl">
                        <map:parameter name="servletPath" 
                        <map:parameter name="sitemapURI" value="{request:sitemapURI}"/>
                        <map:parameter name="contextPath" 
                        <map:parameter name="file" value="{0}.xsp"/>
                        <map:parameter name="remove" value="{0}"/>
            <!-- because of the resource above the "success" pipeline ends 
here. -->
         | this branch contains the failed validation.
         | Since the "success" pipeline ends with a resource, the following is 
         | applied if validation has not been successful.
     <map:generate src="security.xsp" type="serverpages"/>
     <map:transform src="search.xsl"/>     
     <map:transform src="context:/historyserver/styles/dynamic-page2html.xsl">
        <map:parameter name="servletPath" value="{request:servletPath}"/>
        <map:parameter name="sitemapURI" value="{request:sitemapURI}"/>
        <map:parameter name="contextPath" value="{request:contextPath}"/>
        <map:parameter name="file" value="{0}.xsp"/>
        <map:parameter name="remove" value="{0}"/>

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