Title: Woody integration in Portal

I'm struggling with the implementation of woody in a coplet.

I've managed to create simple coplets where I manage to rewrite the links
using the portal-coplet transformer <a href="" => portal-event.
And, as suggested, I always use the same uri for my coplet.

Trying to integrate woody seems to be more complex.
1. Using the form2bean.flow sample: each time I click a button,
the woody form leaves the portal & fills the whole screen again.
2. Next to that, Using the html-output of the woody sample for my woody-coplet,
the title on the top of the browser window is set to the title of the woody-html-page

There are a lot of usefull tips in the cocoon-mailing-lists, but they don't solve my major question
"how do I keep my woody-form in my coplet ?"

I've been "guessing" to fix the problem (no success) with following approaches:
1. Using a linktransformer: this generates <ev:eventlinks/> =>
very interesting, but I don't know what to do with this
2. Using ApplicationCoplet as CopletBaseData: didn't get it running

My questions:
1. How can I get a woody-form properly running in a coplet?
(avoid jumping out of the portal, after one click)
2. How can I avoid that the portal pagetitle is set to the woody coplet title ?
(based on the html-output of the form2bean transformation)
3. Intrigued by what I found: what's the purpose for ApplicationCoplet ? 
I know it is intended to get external apps running in a portlet,
 but I could use some more detail.

My sitemap:

The URICoplet points to "cocoon:/test"

<!-- form2bean.flow generates output in html, therefore I've split it up in 2 parts, test & test2
     test2 results in xml-output which I can use in my test-pipeline.  There is probably a better way to do this -->
 <map:match pattern="test2">
  <map:generate src="">
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>

 <map:match pattern="test">
   <map:generate src="">
   <map:transform type="xslt" src="">
<!-- link2coplet.xsl transforms <a href="" elements into <cl:link parameter="attributes/inCopletPath" value="foo"/> -->

   <map:transform type="portal-coplet"/>-->
<!-- transforms the <cl:link/> elements into portal-events
<!--    <map:transform type="portal-link"/>-->
<!-- I don't know what this one exactly does -->

Long message, lots of questions, ...


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