I'm running woody+flow using cvs version 2.1.4 from end of January 2004.
I define a widget:
<wd:multivaluefield id="server"> <wd:datatype base="string"/> <wd:selection-list src="cocoon:/serverlist" dynamic="true"/> </wd:multivaluefield>
I define an action widget:
<wd:action id="allservers" action-command="allservers"> <wd:label>All Servers</wd:label> <wd:on-action> <javascript> var serverlist = event.source.parent.getWidget("server"); serverlist.value = ?????; </javascript> </wd:on-action> </wd:action>
I action widget should choose all the server entries in the multivaluedfield widget above.
I got java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot set value of field "rechner" ... What is the correct way of setting a list? What is the expected datatype?
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