On 20.02.2004 13:45, beyaNet Consultancy wrote:

hi guys,
I have a build related question if I may. Just installed 2.1.4 of cocoon and tried to run my app as per usual and nothing happens, no links work nothing the site just seems dead. Also, I ran the hello world example in the main cocoon home page area (http://www.mysite.com/cocoon), and from the block`s Hello world section I clicked the jpeg link. When I do this i get an (org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap) message box appear on my desktop, which would seem to suggest that another instance of tomcat/cocoon is being launched!!!??? In the local.blocks.properties file, how do I makes sure that i block is activated? Do I change as follows:

un-comment the line #exclude.block.batik=true and:

Don't change this line at all, it must be in comments.

1. leave as is - exclude.block.batik=true (block is not included in build)? or
2. exclude.block.batik=false (block is included in build)?

Both mean the batik block is excluded as ant tests only if the property is set, not its value.


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