I have constructed a pipe which handles image requests and spits out an svg. On the page in question there are 3 images. The pipe is:

<map:match pattern="unframe/*/*.jpg">
<map:generate type="serverpages" src="xsp/svg.xsp">
<map:parameter name="imageNum" value="{2}"/>
<map:parameter name="artistID" value="{3}"/>
<map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>

The image link is built up in my xsp page as:

<xsp:element name="img">
<xsp:attribute name="src">artistImage/</xsp:attribute>

So I have 3 images on one page which are built up in that format. What is happening is that the first image call is made no problem, and the image is displayed on the page. The second image is now requested but the image is never loaded and the browser just sits there waiting for an image to load. What is causing this, and what can I do to resolve it? My svg page is attached. The html format of the calling xsl page is:

............. snippet .............
<td valign="top" align="center"><xsl:apply-templates select="//artists-photo1"/></td>
<td valign="top"><xsl:apply-templates select="//artists-photo2"/></td>

<xsl:template match="artists-photo1">

<xsl:template match="artists-photo2">

many thanks in advance

On 19 Feb 2004, at 12:31, Simon Mieth wrote:

On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 12:19:13 +0000
beyaNet Consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Simon,
I think I am coming closer to the answer I have been
having with the svg canvas size not changing. If I make a
request for the image outside of the iframe it is loaded
6.jpg), then the image changes according to the sizes I
give it. If i try and call the image so that it loads
within the iframe, then no matter what values you give the
height and width of the svg tag no change to the canvas
size takes place. Any ideas?

Hi Andrew,

maybe you have inside your html-source <image width=""
height="" >-statements, then the browser scale the image
allways to this size. If the image is larger or smaller, the
browser scale ever to this size. If so, remove the width=""
and height="" and have allready <img src="" /> and the
browser will diplay the size from your image.

Best Regards,


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