On 22.02.2004 04:07, Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Maybe we should put together our efforts to get this thing working and to
help other people with a wiki page.

I need
to tell I am newbie in OJB too. Maybe 1 or 2 days ahead in some cases, but
this is nothing.

Pure understatement :)

We have at least our own application running with OJB. We can retrieve
lists or single objects from the db and display them with Woody, we can
store them back and delete them. We only have still a problem with
object identity,

I think there is an old bug in JDO implementation in OJB related to
indetities. We fight with this problem 2 weeks with no results, then we
decided to switch to PB implementation. But let the open door to rewrote
the code when JDO will be avaliable.

We don't JDO at all so it can't be a JDO bug :) It was also not a bug in OJB, but in my binding file. The id of the object was read/write, I changed it, now it works. (It's only strange IMO that updating an object with resetting the id to 0 stores the object correctly (probably because of object identity in the Java sense) and adds a new object (object identity in the ojb sense = new primary key) additionally - that might be a bug in OTM.)

so that storing does indeed create a new object in db,
but that's another problem we didn't have a closer look yesterday evening.

We started also with OJB/JDO and had bad feelings when we saw that we
have to maintain at least two files (package.jdo, repository.xml) to get
it working. The reason for it is that JDO and OJB are two different
products, OJB provides only a plugin for Sun JDO at the moment, but both
must get their configuration. Though it's easy to write a stylesheet
that converts one format into the other I tried to use only JDO.

While writing the code in Druid, I noted that repository.xml has far more
info that the .jdo onces.


In fact after querying on the OJB maillist I noted we don't need to put
too much info inside the .jdo. AFAIK, the only need info in .jdo is the
info that currently druid put on the .jdo files.

Don't know what Druid puts into it, but you only need the information for the JDO enhancing and the class usage at runtime. The file is completely not interesting for OJB.

But JDO is just the API, the SPI must be provided by the database
vendor and as
there are probably not that much for a specific at the moment, you need
OJB. Then we found out that the JDO implementation has a performance
problem: Retrieving 20 rows out of 6.000 in a db leads to instantiation
of all 6.000 objects, they are filtered by JDO. That's not a problem of
OJB, it's just how Sun JDO works. So we were back nearly to the

Hmm.. switching between JDO->(PB|OTM|ODMG) is not too painfull. This in
one of the best features of OJB at all.

Hope so :)

Now the application itself. I don't love the idea of accessing the
persistence layer from the flow/controller layer directly. We access it
only from the application layer to have obvious tiers. We have a
DAOFactory that returns DAOs (e.g. either JDO or OTM), the
implementation of the persistence framework access is abstracted.

We choosed to have DAO classes with static methods, that way we don't need
to create too many DAO objects. Between Flow and DAO classes fly the
Beans. Some of them are BeanList. They are easily passed to  the cforms
using the framework binding.

Similar to ours, but in our approach the flow has no access to the persistence layer. The request goes through the business logic layer.

I am not sure if this is the best approach, but it works. I will be glad
if we can comment about what are the pros and the cons of Joerg approach
vs. this approach. I am not a Java or OO guru. Comments are very welcome.

I guess it just depends. We will have much business logic, so a layered architecture is important. A direct access from flow to persistence layer will be dangerous in this case.

theory we can switch to Castor, Hibernate or what else without touching
the application layer.

Can you explain what is the application layer? I am confused here. Is the
application layer the view in the MVC paradigm?

MVC is a bit coarse-grained (if that's the correct word?) IMO. A good architecture needs more layers. A searched around using Google about application layer. In some cases the word is used synonymous to business logic layer, on other pages it's between presentation layer and business logic layer. What I meant above was indeed the business logic layer.

Each object specific DAO will provide different
methods for retrieving, storing, deleting etc. As the layers below the
flow layer are no Avalon components and not in relation to Cocoon, but
"Plain Old Java" we kicked out Cocoon OJB block completely and just use
OJB. If this was a good decision we will see.

I thought to do this too. In fact the first experiment was using directly
OJB in Cocoon:


Later, I thought that the best approach was to use a common factory for
all the servlet instead of using OJB directly.

I don't understand your objection here, maybe it's only a misinterpretation. We use a factory too that creates a specific DAO. But the usage of the DAO is completely independent on its implementation and so we don't use OJB directly neither.

But it won't be that difficult to switch the datasource back to
Avalon/Cocoon in OJB properties file.

AFAIK, using OJB as an avalon component is better from an architectural
view because it follow the same approach as the other components. AFAIK,
we can also use other components outside Avalon schema, but this is rather
not desired.

There are more layers that had to be made Avalon components. We decided to avoid this effort for the beginning.

BTW, we package all classes, configuration files and so on into our
application JAR, deploy it in WEB-INF/lib and it works without any

I use 2 jar approach, one for beans and other for DAO. BTW, I prefer to
call them "Handlers" because they are more or less oriented to handle data
from/to CForms forms.

Might be again a misinterpretation but DAO do not stand in any relation to CForms. They handle just the the data access and so they are Data Access Objects.

Instead of writing the code in Flow files, I prefer
to use Flow just as a true controller (shorter files). It does not do the
work just decide what to do with the recieved request.

Same here.

To me Flow is just
the controller that recieve request and decides where to send the beans to
be processed.

For me the flow does not decide even this. The flow delegates a request to the business logic and gets and object at a specific place. This one the flow can bind to the form.


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