COCOON : 2.1.3
JDK : 1.4.1_05
CONTAINER : WebLogic 8.1 SP2
PRO/CON 1.4 requirement for 2.2 : PRO

On March 2, 2004, at 3:36 AM, Jorg Heymans wrote:

> Thread
> discusses wheter jdk 1.4 should be made a requirement for cocoon 2.2 and 
> upwards.
> Getting a feeling what the users are using and developing on might help 
> the decision.

> So here goes

> COCOON : 2.0.5dev
> JDK : 1.4.2_03
> CONTAINER : Tomcat 4.1.29
> (optional) PRO/CON 1.4 requirement for 2.2 :

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