hi John

The problem appears on Linux only, not Windows....  I edited the
files on a windows box and transferred them using SCP, so perhaps
there is a DOS line break issue.

Increasing the maximum heap size and making the pool max sizes all
1024 increased the speed several fold.  I am still getting Concurrent
file modification issues with the cache though.

In short what I have done to get Cocoon running faster

- install 2.1.4
- copy xml-apis.jar and xerces-impl....jar to
- increase pool-max sizes to 1024
- set maximum heap size to 512M using -Mx

[without the last option, the StoreJanitor runs out of memory to
store  data, and starts returning BLANK data to the browser instead
of causing an internal server error]

With 10 threads crawling our site using the Xenu tool, the memory sat
around 300M - far better that the 1000M it was with 2.1.2!!!



>>Hello Gordon,
>>There's an issue open on Bugzilla regarding the disposed
>>Gordon Anderson wrote:
>>> However when I change ANY of the max pool size for the xinclude, 
>>> cinclude and general xml parsing as in this section...
>>> I get the following error.
>>> ======================================
>>> Internal Server Error
>>> Message: You cannot lookup components on a disposed
>>> Description: java.lang.IllegalStateException: You cannot lookup 
>>> components on a disposed ComponentLocator
>>> Sender: org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet
>>> Source: Cocoon Servlet
>>> Request URI
>>> cause
>>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: You cannot lookup components on a
>>> disposed ComponentLocator
>>> request-uri
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