
My problem of sitemap.xmap  to cocoon 2.1.4  is solution add  to configuration
... context://my_application/descriptors/params.xml"/>

the directory my_application are in the context of cocoon build/webapps


I'am new with cocoon.

I have developed an application web in the framework cocoon 2.0.4 and
are OK. then migrate to cocoon 2.1.4. basically application web use sessions, jdbc drivers mysql and postgres, form-validator, etc.

I have problems with sitemap.xmap and context.
when the application start always re-direct  the context of cocoon (build/webapps/....  and not directory build/webapps/my_application).
generating not Database mapping environment.

in the logs report problems with sitemap.conf for handling errors
and context. this is fragment of my sitemap

<map:action name="form-validator" src=""/>
<map:action name="session-validator" src=""/>
<map:action name="session-invalidator" src=""/>
<map:action name="db-authenticator" src=""/>

<!-- Autenticar datos de Usuario   -->
<map:match pattern="do-login">
<!-- validamos los valores enviados por submit -->
<map:act type="form-validator">
<map:parameter name="descriptor"        
      <map:parameter name="validate" value="usuario,clave"/>
      <!-- Intentamos loguearnos -->
     <map:act type="db-authenticator">
     <map:parameter name="descriptor"
     <!-- Desplegamos los datos y opciones para el usuario -->
     <map:redirect-to uri="autent"/>
   <!-- si falla  -->
   <map:redirect-to uri=""/>

<map:match pattern="autent">
<!-- Validamos los datos -->
<map:act type="session-validator">
<map:parameter name="descriptor"
<map:parameter name="validate" value="usuario,clave"/>
<!-- generamos el contenido -->
<map:generate type="xsp" src=""/>
<map:transform src=""/>
<map:redirect-to uri=""/>

in the logs report error with this part
<map:transform src=""/>
<map:serialize status-code="500"/>

How can I solution this situation.

Thanks very much.


Andres Taborda 
Departamento de Sistemas
SaludColombia E.P.S.. - Una Sola Familia
Calle 5C # 43-05 B. Tequendama
Telefono : 57 (002) 551 04 89 - 57 (002) 551 04 90
Cali - Colombia

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