Hmm something went wrong with my mail client.

It should be like this:

<map:match pattern="*.pdf">
<map:generate src="cocoon:/baseinfo/getxmldata" />
<map:transform src="format/style/xsl/doc2pdf.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="fo2pdf" />

without the link.


you could use the internal cocoon protocol:


<map:match pattern="*.pdf">
<map:generate src=" <http://localhost:7001/baseinfo/getxmldata>cocoon:/baseinfo/getxmldata" />
<map:transform src="format/style/xsl/doc2pdf.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="fo2pdf" />

in wich case the baseinfo/getxmldata is another matcher.



reza x schreef:

hi all
I want use sitemap to get the output stream from a servlet.
my sitemap.xml snippest now is like this:
<map:match pattern="*.pdf">
<map:generate src="http://localhost:7001/baseinfo/getxmldata"; />
<map:transform src="format/style/xsl/doc2pdf.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="fo2pdf" />
getxmldata if for calling the servlet which produce the needed xml stream.
how can I ignore the http://localhost:7001. is there any key to replace it and make it portable and flexible.
thanks alot for your attention.
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