
Is it possible to write generic components but make them available only to the
sitemap container for reuse by sitemap components?

Let's give an example.

I have a DefaultPathProvider with a provide(String partialPath) methods that
returns a complete default path from a partial path.

It is configured with an xml file like this one:

<path-step name="book" default="geography">

  <path-step name="history" default="middle-age">

  <path-step name="geography" default="europe">
    <path-step name="america" default="...">
    <path-step name="europe" default="italy">
      <path-step name="germany"/>
      <path-step name="france"/>
      <path-step name="italy"/>
      <path-step name="spain"/>


Once configured with the above xml file, the provide method would return the
following results.

provide("/book") --> "/book/geography/europe/italy"
provide("/book/geography") --> "/book/geography/europe/italy"
provide("/book/geography/europe") --> "/book/geography/europe/italy"

provide("/book/history") --> "/book/history/middle-age/..."

I would like this kind of component to be managed by the sitemap level service
manager, to make it available to the serviceable components of the same

Does it make sense? Are they some examples of code in the cocoon distribution
that use a similar approach?

Let me know if I am completly wrong on the way of developping generic component
and use them in cocoon.



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