On 11.02.2004 11:39, Roman Hrivik wrote:


I have custom generator where I set to request.attribute any value

next in the sitemap I want there request attribute selector
to decide what transformer to use
this attribute is setted before any sax events generated.

but it seems from my logs that selector is executed before I set attribute
to request in generator.

Indeed. The pipeline must be built before any of the SAX processing starts. This means actions and selectors are executed before generators, transformers and serializers. This is also logical because the first SAX event goes immediately from the generator to the transformer. It is *not* waited until the generator finishs and sets some parameter, afterwards it goes on with the transformer.

Do you have any hints how to solve this problem?
My generator generate 2 diffrent XML depends of some logic behind.

Is it possible to do it some way?
Or should I better write transformer behind generator.

If you want to change the processing you have to move the deciding logic into an action.


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