Over on cocoon-dev we are in the middle of
cleaning up the form framework situtation.

With the upcoming 2.1.5 release "Woody" is
being renamed into "CForms", "precept" is being
removed and we currently considering removing
"xml-form" and "jxforms" as well.

So in the end we finally have a single framework :)

...but since some of you folks might be
still using the deprecated packages here
comes a poll:

[ ] keep it as deprecated in the 2.1 branch
[ ] remove it with the next 2.1.5 release
[ ] remove it with the 2.1.6 release
[ ] remove it only in the 2.2 branch

[ ] keep it as deprecated in the 2.1 branch
[ ] remove it with the next 2.1.5 release
[ ] remove it with the 2.1.6 release
[ ] remove it only in the 2.2 branch

Thanks for your feedback

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