On 13.02.2004 20:33, Gabriel Egolf wrote:

Hi all,

I have what I hope is a simple question. Is it possible to create a resource that calls itself? Here's an example of what I'm thinking.

<map:resource name="foo">
 <map:act type="resource-exists">
   <map:parameter name="src" value="{../path}/foo.xml"/>
   <map:generate src="{../path}/foo.xml"/>
   <map:serialize type="xml"/>
 <map:call resource="foo">
   <map:parameter name="path" value="{path}/../"/>
<map:match pattern="**/foo.xml">
 <map:call resource="navigation">
   <map:parameter name="path" value="{1}"/>

What I'm hoping to accomplish is to look for a file "foo.xml" in a given directory passed as the parameter "path". If the file exists, generate it. If the file doesn't exist, look in the parent directory for it.

I see no reason why it should not work in general. In the above code there is only one mistake: the parameter of the action must be {path}/foo.xml instead of {../path}/foo.xml. That's because the parameter belongs to the action and is not inside it. The context change that makes the ../ necessary is only inside the action.


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