(sorry for my poor english)

I have several problem for cocoon installation on debian 'cause i have a lot
of access restrictions (woody).

About my configuration :
- Java : j2sdk1.4.2_03
- Tomcat Web Server v3.3a Final
- Cocoon 2.0.4 (bin)

I can't access to the java directory. (xalan.jar and xerces.jar from the
jsdk1.4.2_03 are in use in my server so i can't replace those files anyway)
Java and Tomcat work correctly... (java & javac are ok and tomcat is
listenning on 8081)

Not Cocoon... :
>message Error in sitemap configuration : UnnamedSelector: ComponentSelector
could not find the component for hint []

org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException: Error in
sitemap configuration : >UnnamedSelector: ComponentSelector could not find
the component for hint []

I think it's a problem of xalan, xerces and xml-apis version according to
the documentation (http://cocoon.apache.org/2.0/installing/index.html)

Part of the documentation and personnal comments :

>Java 1.4 configuration
>Cocoon requires more recent versions of the Xerces and Xalan libraries than
those shipped with j2se 1.4. To override >bundled libraries, follow these
>Create %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\endorsed directory.
--> I can't 'cause I can't access to the java directory. (just read access)

>Copy xerces-XXX.jar, xalan-XXX.jar, and the xml-apis.jar from the
.\lib\core\ to the %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\endorsed\ >directory.
--> So I can't

> Tomcat overrides the standard java endorsed directory. For tomcat, you'll
need to use %TOMCAT_HOME%\common\endorsed for >all these changes.
--> Ok, perhaps something to do, i can't create a directory in
%TOMCAT_HOME%\directory, but i can write in %TOMCAT_HOME\lib\ directory, I
have put my jars files in this directory but cocoon do not work...

> If you use the binary distribution, the above jars are bundled in the war
file. You can get them by extracting the war >with a zip utility and looking
in WEB-INF\lib
--> Those I use.

>Due to changes in JDBC between JDK 1.3 and JDK 1.4, it is not possible to
use Cocoon built on JDK 1.2/1.3 with JDK 1.4 when >it comes to databases. If
you use the binary distribution, be sure to download the one appropriate for
your JDK.
--> Not important for me for the moment.

I know I have a lot of restrictions, but perhaps someone have a solution for
my cocoon installation ?
I hope so...



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