On 04.03.2004 08:52, Vasyl Stashuk wrote:


I have large number of records, that should be shown to user. They can't fit on one page.
What is best way to implement paging using woody?

I do it the following way: I have an object repeatersettings with properties row count, offset and total hits. They are bound to the form model. Additionally I have 4 buttons start, end, next, previous for changing the offset, and a field + button for changing the row count. Offset and row count handling is in the flow. The repeatersettings are passed to the data access layer and at the end OJB returns a collection with exactly {row count} elements and re-sets the total hits. The offset is taken into account easily by using setStartAtIndex() and setEndAtIndex() on the Query. The total hits are read from the OJBIterator (returned from getIteratorByQuery) using fullSize().

I guess it simply depends on the number of objects, but creating an instance for all entries in the database for giving Woody the complete control over the repeater might be not handy.


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