Not possible in one shot .... IMHO
You'll need to do the Insert and in the same page, run a second query to get the Max(id).
If you're afraid of getting the wrong one (because somebody is doing the same thing on the same table), use a where clause (like adding the name of the company you just inserted)

On 30 Mar 2004, at 19:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

oh sorry

i use msAccess throgh ODBC

-- stavro

On Tue, 30 Mar 2004, Yves Vindevogel wrote:

What database ?

I generally do this by using a function in postgresql.
You execute the function and in the function you get the new id.
That ID is returned as value (and 0 for failure)

Same for MS Sql. You can use a stored procedure there.
That's kind of the same as a postgresql function

On 30 Mar 2004, at 18:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i'm executing an Insert SQL statement using a custom xsp action

is it possible to get the new id number (auto increment) inside the
or inside the my pipeline's match?

any idea ?


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