You can use the DOCTYPE switch in the HTML to bring internet explorer and mozilla browsers together when using CSS positioning, our intranet site supports IE, Mozilla and Firefox using only one stylesheet.

For details try:

If you are in a rush try:

Russell Geraghty

Leon Widdershoven wrote:
I have found that supporting multiple browser is a nightmare when using
CSS. You need to have the test results of all supported browser at hand,
or you will forget something.

If you test on Mozilla, you will be shocked when viewing the results
on IE6, if you develop for IE6 you get problems with IE5.5. Safest bet
is to develop for IE5.5 (simplest CSS) and then test on mozilla (which is
pretty conformant).

Tables still are the safest bet. You can do quite a lot with XSL concerning
dynamic formatting, if you wish.

I reverted a CSS based set of pages to XSL formatted pages (with only simple
CSS) just because I had to support IE5.5, IE6 and of course Mozilla and

Also don't try to dynamically format contents using client-side javascript, unless you are a true JS wizard or support a single browser.

My lesson is: stick to HTML, IE can handle that. As a side note: Don't use PNG with transparancy, IE can't handle that.

As a hint for your other problem I can show an edited part of my code. This is
indeed only one of the ways (the pages were xsp) -another way is with the JXTemplate generator or transformer.

This code is called with something like something like

And the templates are:
<xsl:template match="pipeline-list">
<xsl:when test="count(pipeline-entry)=0">
<!-- We don't have entries in this table - don't display table -->
<b>No Results</b>
<table border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="2" rules="all" width="100%">
<xsl:apply-templates/> <!-- These are the cells -->
<!-- Example of selecting a node: These are totals appearing at the bottom -->
<th><xsl:value-of select="total/TQA"/> <
<th><xsl:value-of select="total/TWQA"/>

    <xsl:template match="pipeline-entry">
        <xsl:value-of select="Company"/>
        <!-- Have a match="Address" somewhere -->

Schultz, Gary - COMM wrote:

Have you considered cascading style sheets (css) for layout instead of
tables. I'm using that for my web sites and I think it tends to simplify
things. Use Cocoon to build the html element structure and css to layout the
web page. This way you do not have to worry about getting the different
parts of the page in the correct table layout element. The basic layout of
our Commerce Housing website at is css
Gary T. Schultz
Web Technical Administrator / GIS Coordinator
Wisconsin Department of Commerce
6th Floor
P.O. Box 7970
Madison, WI 1-608-266-1283

-----Original Message----- From: David Swearingen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 5:04 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Best Way to Build a "Traditional" Website Structure Using Cocoon?

Newbie question: I am designing a dynamic website and have chosen Cocoon as the architecture. The website will contain a 'classic' structure, with left navigation, masthead, footer, and a body section containing content. The various elements, like the navigation, surrounding the content will rarely change of course. I will define these in XML. So there will be a leftnav.xml, masthead.xml, footer.xml. In a typical website like this the whole thing is in an html table, and the top row of the table contains the masthead, a left cell contains the navigation, the right cell contains the body text, and the bottom row contains the footer. Very straightforward, done all the time. I've built numerous sites like this with Struts and other tools.

Now imagine the request comes for a page, like faq.html.  I know how to
make Cocoon grab faq.xml and run it through a XSL transformer to add
the html markup and then serialize it out.  Done this already.

But for my website I need to generate the entire table context for the
page, then insert the masthead html, then there's more html that closes
the table cell and opens a new one, generates the left navigation html
from leftnav.xml, closes the cell, spits out my content from faq.xml,
etc., you get the picture.

Ideally I want my page structure html -- the code that defines the
overall page table that holds all the elements -- in one file, and the
masthead, navigation and footer in their own files, and then of course
the content documents are in their respective xml files.  This makes
for easy site maintenance.

So what's the best way to do this in Cocoon?  It seems it could be
accomplished in numerous ways, but I have a feeling there's a
best-practice here.


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