
I discovered a weird thing (aka bug?) in Jetty. I don't know whether this is the right place to post it, if not, can somebody point me to the right spot.

This is my setup:
Linux Slackware 9.1 (with swaret to update, so I have the latest packages)
Ant 1.6.2 (or .1)
Cocoon 2.1.4 (or. 3)
Apache 2.0.48

I use ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse to link Apache with Cocoon.
Jetty is running on 8888. I have several sites running on this server, all of them are using Cocoon.

I noticed this: I have a website with frames that calles a page called "menu.html".
This page contains images, like "logo.png".
I see not the correct image from that site, but the image from another site, also on my server with the same filename.
Thus, Jetty is assuming that the logo.png can be taken from his work directory and sends me an image from another site.

When I go into /tmp and delete the ___Jetty___ directory and restart, everything works again.
Problem is that I saw this twice now, and that I can't rely on something like this.
I need to be sure that the logo of a company is really the logo of that company ;-))

I can't show you any screenshots anymore ... This happened on a production machine, so I immediatly executed the procedure I knew was working.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Bien à vous,
Kind regards,

Yves Vindevogel

Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mobile: +32 (478) 80 82 91

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Web: http://www.implements.be
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Mahatma Ghandi.</x-tad-smaller>

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