Hi Laurant,

thanks for your answer. But there is a jdbc connection described in the
datasource section of my cocoon.xconf and the poolId (see method below ->
this.poolId) is the jdbc name of this connection pool.

If I use log.debug() in my User class I also get an exception, a
NullPointerException, although I have implemented the LogEnabled Avalong
interface. So I guess it has something to do with the flow. It seems that I
cannot access the avalon components. I don't know. I'm not really a java /
cocoon guru ;-(

Any hints?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [flow] cocoon.createObject() problem

Hi Markus ,

I think that it has nothing to do with flow but I already received such a
message when using a component that I created and that has to use a

This datasource has to be defined in cocoon.xconf and if he can not open it
you will get an error

hope it could help


"Markus Heussen"
15/04/2004 16:57
Please respond to users
        To:        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        [flow] cocoon.createObject() problem

Hi Friends!

I've written a java class "User" which stores user data selecting from a
database. I want to use the cocoon datasource defined in the cocoon.xconf
and the logging for it and I need to use the class within my flowscript. How
can I manage this?

Searching a while I found the cocoon.createObject() flow function that may
help me but I don't understand how to use it. I tried something like this

var user = cocoon.createObject("some.package.User");

which returns the User object. but calling the function

user.load("username", "password"); // (see below)

throws the following exception:

org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: Could not find
component (key [org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.DataSourceComponent])
(Key='org.apache.avalon.excalibur.datasource.DataSourceComponent') (key

The User class looks like the following:

public class User implements LogEnabled, Composable {
                public boolean load(String authUsername, String
authPassword) {
                                 ComponentSelector selector =
(ComponentSelector) manager.lookup
                                 DataSourceComponent datasource =
                                 Connection con =

What am I doing wrong? Can somebody help me please? I really need it. I'm
using the current CVS head and SDK 1.4.2.

Thanks a lot!

Greetings, Markus

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