beyaNet Consultancy wrote:

is anybody having problems with flowscript on version 2.1.4 of cocoon?

not really, but we had some confusing exceptions because we used
some global variables within a certain flowscript. The flowscript which had the global variables continued to run fine, but all other flowscripts didn't work anymore after running the one with the global variables.


If not, could you send me a copy of your js.jar and rhino1.5r4-continuations-20030906.jar as I continue to get the following error message:

ReferenceError: "Continuation" is not defined. (resource://org/apache/cocoon/components/flow/javascript/fom/fom_system.js; line 1)

Alternatively if anyone else has had the same problem and managed to resolve it, could you please inform me as to the solution to this problem. I really need to get this issue finished today.

On 20 Apr 2004, at 18:28, beyaNet Consultancy wrote:

    the version of Rhino I have installed in my web-inf/lib folder is
    : rhino1.5r4-continuations-20030906.jar. Is this the correct
    version for cocoon version 2.1.4? If not, where can I get the
    correct .jar from?

    On 20 Apr 2004, at 18:08, Christopher Oliver wrote:

Most likely you have another version of Rhino in your classpath.

beyaNet Consultancy wrote:

            I getting an error while trying to setup my first
            flowscript code. The error I am getting is:

            "Continuation" is not defined

            *Could anyone out there please send me a copy of their
            sitemap, so as I can see how to properly setup up
            flowscript within my sitemap. Also I am trying to create a
            flowscript function which instantiates a User object and
            passes in 2 parameters, a username and a password. If the
            user does not exist, the user is redirected back to the
            login page otherwise they are sent to the secure part of
            my sitemap. The login function is as follows:

var user = null;

            <!-- Do I need to instantiate the object like this ?? ---->
            importClass(Packages.test.User); //Note: my package test
            is situated as: web-inf/classes/test, User being the name
            of the class in the package test.
            var User = new User();

function login(){ while (user == null) { sendPageAndWait("login.jx"); user = User.getUser(cocoon.request.get("username"),cocoon.request.get("password"));

if (user != null) { break; } }

            cocoon.sendPage("registerd_user_area"); //Can I redirect a
            user to an area of my sitemap from flowscript like this??

            I have attached my sitemap as well. Any help with this
            will be greatly appreciated.




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