in the following sitemap snippet:

<map:match pattern="registerd_user_area">
<!--<map:act type="auth-protect">
<map:parameter name="handler" value="beyarecords"/>-->

<map:aggregate element="home">
<map:part src="cocoon:/support/menu"/>
<map:part src="cocoon:/support/contract-summary"/>
<map:part src="context://beyarecords/content/adv-xyz-01.xml"/>
<map:part src="cocoon:/support/banner"/>

<map:transform type="xslt" src="style/home-page.xsl"/>
<map:call resource="serialize"/>

the map:part section which make reference to src="cocoon:/...." all make process xsp server pages, for example:

<map:match pattern="support/menu">
<map:generate type="serverpages" src="xsp/menu.xsp"/>
<map:call resource="serialize"/>

The problem that I am experiencing is that when this pattern, registerd_user_area, is called from a flowscript:

function login() {

while (user == null) {

cocoon.sendPageAndWait("login.jx", {"msg":msg});
try {
user = newUser.getUser(cocoon.request.get("username"), cocoon.request.get("password") );
msg = "The username password combination you entered does not exist. Please retry.";

cocoon.redirectTo("registerd_user_area"); ----- HERE THE CALL IS MADE

the parts of the aggregation which process serverpages are not rendered to the screen, i.e. they appear blank. Why?

On 21 Apr 2004, at 11:10, Reinhard Poetz wrote:

beyaNet Consultancy wrote:


1. is it possible to apply a stylesheet to a *.jx file like you can to xsp?

<map:match pattern="*.jx">
<map:generate type="jx" src="jx/{1}.jx"/>
<map:transform type="xslt" src="style/main.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="xhtml"/>

If not, why? Surely not being able to apply a stylesheet to any document runs away from the xml/xslt ethos of cocoon!

2. can you aggregate *.jx files

<map:match pattern="registerd">
<map:aggregate element="main">
<map:part src="context://beyarecords/jx/login.jx"/>
<map:part src="cocoon:/support/contract-summary"/>
<map:part src="context://beyarecords/content/adv-xyz-01.xml"/>
<map:part src="cocoon:/support/banner"/>

<map:transform type="xslt" src="style/home-page.xsl"/>
<map:call resource="serialize"/>

In the above example, the login.jx file is not rendered to the screen, why?

If you use "context:/" the physical available file is read and *not* the content of an URI provided by Cocoon.


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