
For my application I need an unlimited session. The users should never login
a second time if they once did it. I use the Cocoon authentication framework
to control the users access.

How can I set an unlimited session duration even if the user closes his
browser? I tried it with cocoon.session.setMaxInactiveInterval(-1) within my
login function directly after the authentication. The Cocoon docs under
http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1/userdocs/flow/api.html#Session+Object says "...
A negative time indicates the session should never timeout.".

But if I close my browser and reopen it I have to authenticate again. Why?
Is there something to do in the servlet environment? Or must I force cookie
session handling? And if yes, how can I do this?

Thanks for any help.

Greetings, Markus

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