Hi all!

If I call my following protected pipeline the result is a 404 page not found
error. I thought the right behavior is to redirect automatically to the
login resource??

Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong? I am using Cocoon from the few
days old CVS Head under SDK1.4.2 and TC 4.1.30.

Thanks for helping, Markus

<map:match type="wildcard" pattern="secure/**">
        <map:act type="auth-protect">
                <map:parameter name="handler" value="{global:handler}"/>
                <!-- logout function -->
                <map:match type="wildcard" pattern="secure/logout">
                        <map:call function="logout">
                                <map:parameter name="handler" 
                <!-- flowscripts -->
                <map:match type="wildcard" pattern="secure/*.flow">
                        <map:call function="{1}"/>

The authentication declaration looks like the following:

                <handler name="myapp">
                        <redirect-to uri="cocoon:/login"/>
                        <authentication uri="cocoon:raw:/auth"/>

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