On 23.04.2004 16:45, Stephan Coboos wrote:


im saving text coming from a textarea in a MySQL database using Java and Flowscript. All linebreaks will be replaced by \r\n.

After reading this text from the database and displaying it in the textarea using a JXTemplate I got 2 linebreaks in the html source:
1. a new line
2. a entity 

Why? Any idea? What is 
? I do not need 
 ;-) How can I skip the output of this entity?

Yes, it's a well-known featureof Xalan IIRC. For entity questions you can easily look at unicode.org and find out that 
 or  is the carriage return.

If you touch all line breaks as you wrote in the 2nd sentence, you can also remove the carriage there. Otherwise just drop 
 in a stylesheet:

<xsl:value-of select="translate(text(), '&#13;', '')"/>


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