
I am running cocoon together with jboss 3.2.3, (servlet 2.3 web container).

My Cocoon implementation must access jar (eXist xmldb) which are located 
outside the Cocoons directory structure.

How can I force Cocoon to accept this other location for the jar 
(exist-optional.jar) ?

I have tried folowing parameters in web.xml to get cocoon loading the jar:


I have also tried to add the jar to the CLASSPATH env. var. and the 

But it doesn't seams to change anything.

The line in the sitemap which fails look like this: 
<map:generator name="xquery" logger="sitemap.generator.xquery" 

Has is something to do with the late loading of this jar as it is only being 
called by the sitemap.xmap file. ?

Jars specified in the cocoon.xconf file has no problem in being located 
outside Cocoon's dir struct.

I have this setting in web.xml


which should disable the paranoid setting.
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