Hi ,

I think that you can easily do that with a simple XSL Transformer and not a SourceWritingTransformer

Generate your XML
Pass it to XSL transformer  (in your XSL you will do some <xsl:if test="b/@flag='true'"> ... )
Serialize it

Hope it could help


"Stephanie Zohner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

12/05/2004 10:31
Please respond to users

        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Conditional replace / reinsert with SourceWritingTransformer

Hi specialists in SourceWritingTransformer usage ;-),

Here is my problem:

I want to replace and reinsert certain elements in an xml-filem if they have
set an attribute to a certain value:

For example:

My xml file looks like this

 <b flag="true">1</b>
 <b flag="false">2</b>
 <b flag="true">3</b>

... and I want to transform it to this:

   <b flag="false">2</b>
 <b flag="true">1</b>  
 <b flag="true">3</b>

So only those "b" elements that have their attribute "flag" set to "true"
should be replaced and reinserted. How can I do this?

I tried:

<source:insert creatte="true">
 <source:replace>[EMAIL PROTECTED]'true']</source:replace>

In this case the "b" elements wanted aer replaced but only the values(!) of
the replaced elements are reinserted under <deleted-b> not the whole nodes.

So it looks like this ;-(

   <b flag="false">2</b>

When I try differently, with:

<source:insert creatte="true">
 <source:replace>a/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'true']</source:replace>

I get the following (unexpected) output:

 <b flag="true">1</b>
 <b flag="false">2</b>
 <b flag="true">3</b>

Element <a> and all! its <b> elements (ignoring the condition
[EMAIL PROTECTED]"true"]) and all <b> elements (not only the values) are reinserted
under <deleted-b>.

Maybe the solution is close, but I can't see it. Can somebody bring light
into the darkness. How do I have to write the insert-directive. Or how can I
force the Transformer not only to reinsert the values but the whole node?

Thanks very much in advance,


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